Spokane Valley: (509) 926-1234

Airway Heights: (509) 503-1234

Spokane Valley:
(509) 926-1234
Airway Heights:
(509) 503-1234

What we do

Pediatric Sedation Dentistry

Offices in Spokane Valley & Airway Heights, WA

Safe Sedation for Kids

We dedicate ourselves to giving your child a positive dental experience from start to finish. When they leave our office, we want them to have a big, happy smile – not just because of our work, but also because they had an enjoyable time!

Moreover, we want your child to grow up looking forward to their routine dental examinations. After all, when they see us regularly, they are less likely to develop dental problems down the line.

In addition, our practice offers safe sedation options when necessary. We understand that sometimes the dental chair is just too much for a child, and they might need something extra to help calm their nerves.

Furthermore, if your child requires restorative work like extractions or fillings, we have the proper anesthetics to ensure there will be little to no pain. All of our sedation options are safe, effective, and comfortable for your child.

Tooth Extractions - Sedation Dentistry

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, commonly referred to as “laughing gas”, is a gas that dentists mix with oxygen. When patients inhale this mixture, it promotes an extreme sense of relaxation. This option works well for younger patients who feel very uneasy about sitting in the dental chair.

During the treatment, patients will remain conscious and able to answer the dentist’s questions. Once the dentist removes the nitrous oxide, the patient will feel back to normal within minutes and can go about their day without any side effects.

Oral Conscious Sedation

First, we will carefully administer a pill to your child about 15 minutes before the procedure. By the time of the appointment, your child will feel extremely relaxed and serene.

Next, your child will remain conscious throughout the treatment, allowing them to answer any questions the doctor might have. Furthermore, the effects of the oral conscious sedation will continue for about an hour after the appointment ends.

This option works best for children who have already developed a bigger fear of the dentist. In this way, we can help your child feel more at ease during their dental visit.

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia will gently and safely put your child ‘to sleep’ for the treatment. The anesthesiologists will make your child unconscious for the entirety of their appointment. Furthermore, when your child wakes up, we’ll be through, and they’ll be ready to go home!

This anesthesia is typically meant for major procedures like tooth extractions. Additionally, our practice uses a group of medical doctors to safely administer general anesthesia.

Trust Us to Keep Your Kids Comfortable

KidSmile Dental provides pediatric sedation dentistry in both Spokane Valley & Airway Heights, WA. As parents, we know that it is the highest priority to trust your child’s healthcare providers. We strive to create a comfortable and safe environment, so you can feel confident in our team and our expertise. Don’t forget to visit our Facebook!

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We are very excited to get to know you and your child!
Call us on one of the numbers below to schedule an appointment or use the form to contact us, and we'll call you back!

Together, let’s start your child’s journey towards a healthy smile!

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